Welcome to My Practice

Range of services:

  • Intellectual and learning assessments (age 3 to adults)
  • Including: specific learning disorder, gifted & talented, intellectual disability, ADHD, anxiety, adaptive life skills, screening for autism spectrum disorder.

About Beverley

Dr Beverley Thirkell is an Educational, Developmental and Counselling Psychologist, working at St Ives Psychology, NSW, and has over 30 years’ experience working with children, adolescents and their families.

Beverley initially trained and worked as a primary school teacher, before becoming a psychologist in London. Now, in private practice, she is also a consultant to public, private and Catholic schools, as well as health professionals, including GP’s and paediatricians.

She has been consulted by several television, newspaper and magazine media outlets, and has  published Talking in Pictures, a practical guide for psychologists and counsellors.